ADDRESS: 102 Walrath St., Augusta, Montana 59410
The next two months I’ll be featuring the post office I visited during my June two-day road trip in Montana. The decision to not continue on with my Continental Divide Trail thru-hike this year was a tough decision for me. But like anything in life I need to look at the bright side.
One reason I took such a close up of this particular building is because there was a large truck parked next to the building and I didn’t want it in the picture. I waited around for a while to get some better photographs but it never happened.
Since I wasn’t going to hike I visited all these cool post offices instead. Every now and then I’ll throw a few from other states just to add some variety.
David W. Gates Jr.
- Personal visit on 6/23/2012 by David W. Gates Jr.
- United States Postal Service