ADDRESS: 126 S. Main St., Boulder, Montana 59632
Boulder was another post office visit during my two-day Montana Post Office Tour. I’m really wondering what happened to this one. When I visited the building was closed due to some sort of accident. There were signs posted that it was closed until further notice.
Now that I’m home from this tour I’ve had the chance to dig around and this is what I found. Apparently a car accident with the building. Huh!
Luckily for the residents of Boulder they can now enjoy doing their business out of a truck parked at the back of the building. How’s that for customer service. Yes, we are open you just need to go to the back of the building where the truck is parked. Someone working out the truck would be happy to assist you. Thanks for your business.
And you though visiting post office was boring? Huh!!
David W. Gates Jr.
- Personal visit on 6/23/2012 by David W. Gates Jr.
- United States Postal Service