ADDRESS: 2707 3 Oaks Rd., Cary, Illinois 60013
My Sunday excitement was driving to the Cary, IL Post Office. Recently, while trying to avoid construction traffic I was diverted down 3 Oaks Road. Not even realizing it, I drove past the Cary, IL Post Office. Since I didn’t have my camera on me at the time, I didn’t stop.
Today I decided to re-visit this post office to take pictures of it. I was pleasantly surprised and found the Cary, IL Post Office to be a great visit. The building itself is quite unique. Upon entering the lobby and finding the dedication plaque, I noticed it was dedicated in 1992. The first thought that came to my mind was cool. It was dedicated the same year I graduated high school. I find it strange that’s the first thing that came to my mind and yes, I’m dating myself as well.
Further investigation reveled the bulletin board has historical pictures of past Cary Post Offices. I was glad to see these and highlight them below, “Picture of Pictures” gotta love it. Since they were behind glass it was difficult to get clear photos, the glass reflected the light and produced a glare on each photo.
David W. Gates Jr.
- Personal visit on 11/20/2011 by David W. Gates Jr.
- United States Postal Service