ADDRESS: 300 Main St., Unit A, Chana, Illinois 61015
When a post office address includes a unit or suite number on an old building you wonder how many tenants occoupy the same building. Then you start to wonder if anyone actually lives in the same building as the post office. The Chana post office is a perfect example of this. When you look at the building it looks like someone took a regular house and place it on top of the post office. Maybe the postmaster, maybe the baker or, candlestick maker, who knows?
Today I bring you the Chana, Illinois post office. The story goes something like this. It was early Saturday morning and we were driving to a family party at Timber Lake Resort. Well, I really had to use the facilities. It’s a long drive and I had a lot of coffee to drink that morning. So we pulled into Chana so I could find a place. Nothing, but I quickly shot pictures of the post office and was on my way. Sadly, I didn’t get to look around much, but I’m sure I’ll be back out this way. Maybe this is much more than you really wanted to know, but I tell it like it is, while on the road, photographing our Nation’s post offices.
David W. Gates Jr.
- Personal visit on 8/22/2012 by David W. Gates Jr.
- United States Postal Service
I like this little office!