ADDRESS: 200 River Rd. Decatur, Tennessee 37322
Check out that rose-bush! I know what you are saying to yourself. How do you know this is the Decatur Tennessee post office? There is no sign, There is nothing on the doors to indicate its the town of Decatur. And then I ask myself, Why did I even bother to take a picture of it?
Well, because that is what I do. Even if there is not sign or anything else to indicate this is a post office let alone the name of the town. Other indicators practically give it away. First their nice blue mailboxes out in front, I’m not sure why I didn’t photograph them. But believe me they are there. How do I know? Because I’ve actually visited this post office in April of this year.
In fact every post office you see on this site has all been visited by me.
Thanks for stopping by
David W. Gates Jr.
- Personal visit on 4/2/2013 by David W. Gates Jr.
- United States Postal Service