ADDRESS: 2 South Main St., Crossville, Tennessee 38555
ARTIST: Marion Greenwood
TITLE: The Partnership of Man and Nature
ARTIST: Marion Greenwood
MEDIUM: Oil on canvas (mural)
STATUS: The mural was removed from this building and moved over to thew newer post office on Old Jamestown Hwy. It resides in the lobby of current post office building.
YEAR: 1940
For mural information please see our article on the current Crossville, Tennessee Post Office.
With years of practice or just knowing what to look for its pretty easy to spot the old post offices. The former Crossville post office has been nicely maintained an re-purposed as a memorial and museum. Very nice touches and definitely nice to see the old building preserved and well maintained. The building is a memorial to Milo Lemert a World War 1 Hero and was dedicated in 1991.
Yesterday, I highlighted the newer building which replaced this one. The mural that used to reside here is now in the newer post office building, “New” being a slightly loose word as the replacement post office was built sometime in the 1980’s.
It was early when I arrived here and town was just coming to life. To the man I met across the street. It was nice to meet you. I don’t remember your name but I do remember you had a large camera and were taking pictures for the historical society. We chatted for a few minutes. I gave you my business card and you laughed. That made me happy, I hope your photos turned out well that day. All told, I believe I visited and documented about 60 post offices while visiting Tennessee.
Thanks stopping by,
David W. Gates Jr.
- Personal visit on 6/04/2013 by David W. Gates Jr.
- Tennessee Post Office Murals by David W. Gates Jr.
- Tennessee Post Office Mural Guidebook
by David W. Gates Jr.
- (affiliate link) Democratic Vistas: Post Offices and Public Art in the New Deal
: [Hardcover] Marlene Park, Gerald E. Markowitz
- (affiliate link): Tennessee Post Office Murals
: Howard Hull
- The Historical Marker Database (Milo Lemert Memorial Building, a War Memorial (hmdb.org))