ADDRESS: 100 S. Main St., Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160
Now the Argie Cooper Public Library, the former Shelbyville post office is nice impressive building. Although I’m disappointed to see the engraving removed from the facia of the building at least its still standing and open for the public. This old solid old building. I love the pillars in front.
During my visit I was able to do some quick research since it was the library. I went directly to the genealogy department and found a local book. As you can see the post office was converted to the library way back in 1966. Not bad for doing some quick research. But at lease I was able to confirm the history and facts around the status of this building.
David W. Gates Jr.
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- Personal visit on 4/1/2013 by David, Post Office Fans
- Personal visit by Roger
- Argie Cooper Public Library (http://acolibrary.com)