Artifacts – I use this category to identify any building which has additional items. For example some buildings have old photos, or old newspaper articles in their built-in bulletin boards. Other buildings may have old display cases with items like uniforms, record books and so on. The artifacts category includes sites that have these additional items.
I use this category to identify any article I’ve created where I have found various artifacts. It is always a treat to find these additional items when doing my site visits.
And you though I was just about the buildings and art. Think again my friends. I think of each building as a mini museum. Or at least museum exhibit for all to enjoy. Here is a gallery of examples I’ve found.
Here is a list of articles to visit for more images of what I’ve found traveling across the country. Of course the ultimate location to visit if looking for artifacts is the Marshall, Michigan Post Office Museum.
Arcadia, Florida is an example of some of the interesting artifacts I’ve seen.
Another great example is from Egerton, Wisconsin. They have an entire display case in the lobby with old newspaper clippings and stuff.
The former Hamilton, Montana is more a mini museum with a touch of stuff.