ADDRESS: 215 Main St., Sierra City, California 96125
Two reason for posting the Sierra City Post Office today. The number one reason? My mother and aunt came out to visit me here while I was hiking in 2010. There was no cell phone signal along this section so the logistics were challenging but my mother figured it out. My mother is my secrete weapon when hiking. Sending me re-supply along with my dad. The second reason for posting this one today is to continue my California series of post offices. Enjoy and Happy Mother’s day to all the mothers out there.
I was well fed at this point. It was also my stopping point for what became several days. There is a great store and deli right next to the post office. That is very large strawberry shake in my hand.
I was with several other hikers at this point so it was nice to visit. Magellan’s wife and nephew stopped for a visit. Ah! the days of easy living where all I needed was to hike and eat. I’m looking forward to my next long distance hike.
By the way, I”m not sure why I never took an un-obstructed photograph of the is one. I must have been too busy visiting with everyone I completely forgot. It appears all I have are the two with me in them. The exterior of this building is really cool. the mining car is built right into the side of the building.
Thanks for reading
David W. Gates Jr.
- Personal visit on 7/17/2010 personal visit by David, Post Office Fans.
- United States Postal Service