ADDRESS: 178 Main St., Sunfield, Michigan 48890
Welcome to Sunfield, Michigan our featured post office of the day.
David W. Gates Jr.
- Personal visit on 11/10/2013 by David W. Gates Jr.
- United States Postal Service
Celebrating our Nation's Post Offices
Michigan post offices
ADDRESS: 178 Main St., Sunfield, Michigan 48890
Welcome to Sunfield, Michigan our featured post office of the day.
David W. Gates Jr.
ADDRESS: 117 W. Lovett St., Charlotte, MI 48813
Talk about an old building. Well I didn’t realize how old it was until I took a closer look. See old buildings require a lot of upkeep and it appears this one has missed a few checkups. Paint chipping, tuck pointing and what about that corner-stone?
Okay now that you bring it up. Yes, I took several pictures of the corner-stone. Why? well take a look. Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m all for supporting the American with Disabilities act and fully realize public buildings need ramps. But shouldn’t a little bit more thought be brought into these projects?
I was disappointed to see the corner-stone covered up the way it is here. I got down on my hands and knees, scrapped about as much debris as I could from the crack next to the inscriptions and took a couple close-ups? I just wish someone would have placed the ramp on the other side of the building, or maybe even moved the corner-stone to the other side.
Okay finished with the rant now. But really, ask yourself. How does this make you feel?
David W. Gates Jr.
ADDRESS: 327 Abbot Rd., East Lansing, Michigan, 48823
ARTIST: Henry Bernstein
TITLE: America’s First Agriculture College
MEDIUM: Oil on canvas (mural)
STATUS: The mural has been moved to the Michigan State University Library.
Year: 1937
Welcome to Dublin Square, what was once a post office is now an Irish Pub. No, I didn’t get to eat or drink here during my visit. but I did get some photos of the building. I guess to the average person it just looks like a brink building with some trim. To me is SCREAMS WPA era building.
Upon closer inspection you will notice they also covered the corner stone with the decorative wooden corner trim. I did not confirm the corner stone is still there however, speaking from experience this is exactly where it should be.
Can anyone confirm this? Do you have an old picture of the building with the corner stone visible? I’m really curious? I wonder if the pub owners have pictures of the renovation of the building? Would you mind sharing?
As for the mural, that once resided here. It is now located in the Library of Michigan State University. How do I know this?, well my wife looked it up and did some research for me. Since we discovered this, I decided to confirm that it is indeed locate in the library. So there you go, yes, we’ve confirmed it is located in in the Michigan State University Library. Now you can stop wondering. I’ve done the leg work for you. I hope you enjoy this post and please leave a comment below.
David W. Gates Jr.
“Used with the permission of the United States Postal Service®. All rights reserved.”
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